Pearce: Congress Has A Responsibility to Fund the Government

Press Release

Date: Jan. 18, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Steve Pearce released the following statement after voting in support of H.R. 195, the Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act:

"Congress has a responsibility to fund the government. Continuing to pass patchwork spending bills does little to provide certainty that our nation's defense, government agencies, and businesses need, however, this bill is crucial to continuing the progress we've made on strengthening our economy. Right now, 2,000,000 people and counting are seeing benefits from tax reform, and the unemployment rate is reaching the lowest levels that we've seen in over a decade. Furthermore, it includes a vital six-year funding extension of the Children's Health Insurance Program that nearly 15,000 children in New Mexico rely on. CHIP and other public health priorities are vital for highly rural and low-income communities around the nation, which is why I could not in good conscience support to defund these programs.

Throughout my time in Congress, I have not seen us come this close to a bipartisan deal on immigration. We are right on the cusp of a solution, and I'm tired of no action being taken. It is irresponsible for Democrats to vote to shut the government down in order to get a vote on full amnesty. This type of immigration solution was not supported when the Democrats held the majority in the House, a filibuster proof Senate, and an Obama White House. It is downright reckless to hold government funding hostage while tearing down all the progress we've made on immigration thus far.

As a veteran, I understand the importance of providing certainty for our nation's military. Over the coming weeks, I will strongly urge my colleagues in the House to deliver funding to support ongoing military missions not only in New Mexico, but around the nation, that are vital to our global strength."
